Friday 12 October 2012

Out and about....behind the scenes

From Fashionistable
From Fashionistable
Sometimes it is hard to decide which image to choose. Which do you prefer? I shot Eleonora at London, Milan and Paris fashion weeks. You have already had a glimpse of this shoot on Instagram. Eleonora kindly stepped to the side with me so I could take these pictures. Another photographer sneaked up behind and she told them off which was so sweet of her. I can't tell you how many times I had set up shots and others just stepped in. To the point where they tell me off saying it is not my shot. If I have time I will wait until the interloper has taken their shot and when they have finished I will continue to, or move location to get my shot. It really depends on the situation and how well the person I am shooting knows me. In this shot the lovely Eleonora is wearing a beautiful Alberta Ferretti dress and looks very Hollywood in it.

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