Wednesday 8 August 2012

Out and about....turning the tables

From Fashionistable
From Fashionistable
Bern is an artist and administrator (to make ends meet) you can see his art here. When I said "Bern like in Switzerland?" He said "yes I was named after the town". And why not, people call their kids Paris after all so I guess that at least it is not so obvious. Bern told me his style influence is William Burrows he finds it much easier now to wear a suit all the time and finds it harder to wear regular clothes. In London his favourite place is The Sir John Soane Museum. He says he has surprised himself because after not wanting to live a conventional life he finds he has one. I am sure you have all been wondering what the significance of today's title is. Well after I had asked Bern my questions he then asked me a set of his own. His questions to me were pretty cool actually and were 1. If I were a Muppet which Muppet would I be? 2. When did I last eat fish? 3. If I was to something really, really bad what would it be? And 4. On a rating of 1 to 10 how cool did I think I was? How would you answer these?
Bern is wearing a vintage suit, waistcoat from a Scottish theater group who were selling off their wardrobe, a Bates boater, every Christmas his girlfriend buys him a new bowtie and this is one of them, an Ede and Ravenscroft shirt with detachable collar and Office shoes.

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