Wednesday 1 August 2012

Out and about....give me sunshine

From Fashionistable
It is just so wonderful when the sun shines. I love it when the light looks like this. I want more. I met Sinead on Oxford street and you don't have to go very far off it for it to look very different to that very busy thoroughfare. Sinead is from Australia and is in London on holiday for a couple of weeks. Not for the Olympics, that was just a coincidence. It was only her 2nd day in London so she had no favourite place here yet so I asked her favourite place in her home town Sydney and that is Surrey Hills. Sinead's surprise was that she is also a photographer. She describes her style as eclectic as it depends on her mood, so changes on a daily basis. Today she is obviously working her inner rock chic with a vintage Harley Davidson T, leather shorts she had made bespoke in Bali, Windsor Smith boots and carrying a Marcs bag.

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