Friday 19 August 2011

Out and about....project Filofax - Colour Red

From Fashionistable

From Fashionistable

From Fashionistable
A few weeks back I was asked by Slam PR who have Filofax as one of their clients to take part in a challenge they were setting bloggers. The challenge was to photograph one range from a choice of 4. My choice is called The Cameleon. I have to say I hummed and hahhed for a while weather to do it or not. My main reason being that in this age of technology were they really relevant today. I thought I didn't know anyone who used them but was surprised when I asked about that I actually did. Looking at the Filofax site I really feel they are missing an important market with their products though. I personally would like to see them doing nice electronic tablet and reader covers. Electronic gadget one side note pad the other. Anyone else think this would be a neat idea? Anyway, aside from my misgivings The Cameleon range is really very nice. Good leather and has a great texture. So how was I going to approach this? As most of my photography these days is street style it seemed the obvious way forward. To start things off I asked the lovely David from The Nyanzi Report if he would get dressed up and help me out. I have always wanted to shoot in the middle of Oxford Circus crossing. When pedestrians have right of way they are allowed to cross diagonally now as well as across the 4 corners which is wonderful to watch and be allowed to do. There is a sense of freedom as well feeling a bit naughty crossing the road this way. So I set us both a further challenge of shooting in the middle of Oxford Circus on a red light. We shot from when everyone started crossing and stayed on there until the traffic was almost about to move. Bravery won out and I was so happy with the shots I have shot the whole series here. I have been friends with David for a few years now but still interviewed him for you all. David's favourite place in London is Covent Garden. His style influence is himself "it depends on the mood I wake up in". Surprisingly he says "the man behind the mask you thought was Batman - is me". Well that certainly surprised me, I never knew my friend was a super hero. Or maybe I did. Here David is wearing a jacket from Stateless London, waistcoat from Kilgour of Saville Row, a Thomas Pink shirt, Dunhill jeans. His bowtie and pocket handkerchief (which is a cleverly folded scarf) are both from charity shops and his shoes are from Portobello Market.

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