Wednesday 17 August 2011

Out and about....Penny Dreadful Vintage

From Fashionistable
It is always wonderful when you bump into fellow bloggers and especially when you feel you have come to know each other while talking together on the blogosphere. Margaret is the author of Penny Dreadful Vintage and owner of the Penny Dreadful store. During the Vintage Festival on the Southbank a couple of weeks ago Margaret was giving tours of the original sites of the 1951 Festival of Britten. Surprisingly Margaret used to be a potter. At Uni she studied ceramics. Her course was in Brisbane which she hated (Brisbane - not the course), so moved from Australia to the UK 6 years ago.
Her favourite place in London is Cleopatra's Needle "because from there you can see all the points of interest at once". She also told me there are still holes in it caused by shrapnel from the last war. Everything Margaret is wearing is vintage and is from the 1950's. The dress is for sale and the hat - Mmm maybe.

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