Monday 13 May 2013

Out and about....Streetstyle - Pinterest #PinItForwardUK

From Fashionistable
For me image is everything. Creating, capturing and how people perceive and present themselves, all is image. It is for this reason that Pinterest is great. It is a neat way to share my vision and to easily see the work of others and share that too. There is nothing I like more, other than taking pictures myself of course, is to look at them. So it was wonderful to be asked to take part in the #PinItForwardUK campain for Pinterest. You can join in and see what I am up to over there by clicking this link. If you are pinning or when you join it would be great if you could share with me the boards you love in the comments here. Show me something new, I would love to see what you are up to. Or let me have your link so I can follow you too.

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