Monday 23 April 2012

Out and about....the first Vogue Festival

From Fashionistable

From Fashionistable
To say how happy I am when Vogue call would be an understatement and when they asked me to cover the first ever Vogue Festival with PR and Street Chic pictures I was blown away. The list of speakers read like a who's who of the fashion world. It was a brilliant idea that came together smoothly and seemingly effortlessly which belied the enormous effort that went it to make it just so good. And all I can say to you all is look out for it next year and nab your tickets quick. It will be money well spent. For me it was 2, full on days of shooting getting shots ready on site and uploaded to Vogue as the event was happening so they could live as it was happening. Then yesterday was a full day of prepping the Street Chic work. All that on top of battling with a cold that had me loose my voice on Friday which meant I had to whisper to everyone. I really hope you like the results. I don't think I have ever produced so many pictures in such a short time. To see the PR images click here - they are not all mine I have a credit for the ones I took. To see the Street Chic images click here - the 1st 30 are mine.

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