Wednesday 8 February 2012

Out and about....Old Street

From Fashionistable
From Fashionistable
From Fashionistable
From Fashionistable
There are many times I am walking along thinking 'wow that is a great location I wish there was someone here now to photograph in it.' I have thought it about this wall many times. And at last it all came together. I was right beside the wall when I looked up and saw Hope in the distance coming towards me so just waited for her to reach me. And, oh the joys of being a street style photographer my battery let me have 3 shots and stopped. Not because there was no battery power but because it was soooo cold and I had been out for 2 hours in it by this time it just went brrrr and stopped. Luckily Hope wasnt in a rush and understood my predicament so I had time to warm the battery up and shoot some more. Hope is a stylist and accessories designer. She has also shot street style in the past, hence her understanding. You can see her work on her blog - here and her website - here. Hope's own style influence is everything and anything. Her favourite place in London is her studio in Stretham. Although she is totally English her family name is Dutch she says from a very long way back. Her surprise for you all is that she is 6'3" and said about her height "I am a giant" - is that her Dutch ancestry I wonder? When we were out there my husband kept calling it the land of the giants. She also said that she loves strawberry milkshake. Hope is wearing a hat she made herself out an old scarf that belonged to her grandma. Her other actual scarfs are from Morocco, coat is from a charity shop and is aged for a 6 year old she said that is why it has 3/4 length sleeves, sweater is also from a charity shop - she then said "I never buy anything new" the socks were bought in Milan and her shoes are from Beyond Retro.

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