Friday 27 May 2011

Out and about....first recognition

From Fashionistable
Well this was a first for me. When I asked Kathryn if I could take her picture she hesitated and I was sure she was going to say no - turned out she was late to meet her new flatmate. Anyway I convinced her and then she said "its for your blog? Whats your blog called?" I said Fashionistable and her reaction totally bowled me over as she said "oh my goodness you are Dvora I love your blog". Well I can tell you suddenly there were two very happy people walking to my chosen location. I have seen films of The Sartorialist were people realise who he is when he mentions the name of his blog and the look on their faces. I was amazed at how I was feeling feeling from the other side, I wonder if he feels this way too. Kathryn is a freelance copywriter and hails from Canberra in Australia. She came to the UK for 6 months, 6 years later with an ever extending visa she is still here and loving it. Her favourite place in London is Battersea Power Station and described it as the most beautiful building she has ever seen. When I asked her about her style influence she told me she has been accused (by kids on the street who are happy to shout it) of dressing in the dark. All I can say is that eventually the kids grow up. She likes lots of different colour. It is precisely her use of colour that pulled me towards her. Kathryn is going through very big changes in her life at the moment. She see's it as a time to blossom and move forward. For our shot today she is wearing glasses she bought on a trip to Cinqe Terre in Italy, her top is a Sienna Miller Twenty8Twelve, the belt was a present from her ex-boyfriend, skirt H&M, boots from the online shopping site Cocosa, finally the bag is from Thailand. When we parted ways I looked back and saw her do a little skip, it was exactly how I felt too.

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