Tuesday 31 May 2011

Out and about.... kilt

From Fashionistable
I do love a man in a kilt. Especially when it is given a personal twist just like Dieco has done here.

Friday 27 May 2011

Out and about....first recognition

From Fashionistable
Well this was a first for me. When I asked Kathryn if I could take her picture she hesitated and I was sure she was going to say no - turned out she was late to meet her new flatmate. Anyway I convinced her and then she said "its for your blog? Whats your blog called?" I said Fashionistable and her reaction totally bowled me over as she said "oh my goodness you are Dvora I love your blog". Well I can tell you suddenly there were two very happy people walking to my chosen location. I have seen films of The Sartorialist were people realise who he is when he mentions the name of his blog and the look on their faces. I was amazed at how I was feeling feeling from the other side, I wonder if he feels this way too. Kathryn is a freelance copywriter and hails from Canberra in Australia. She came to the UK for 6 months, 6 years later with an ever extending visa she is still here and loving it. Her favourite place in London is Battersea Power Station and described it as the most beautiful building she has ever seen. When I asked her about her style influence she told me she has been accused (by kids on the street who are happy to shout it) of dressing in the dark. All I can say is that eventually the kids grow up. She likes lots of different colour. It is precisely her use of colour that pulled me towards her. Kathryn is going through very big changes in her life at the moment. She see's it as a time to blossom and move forward. For our shot today she is wearing glasses she bought on a trip to Cinqe Terre in Italy, her top is a Sienna Miller Twenty8Twelve, the belt was a present from her ex-boyfriend, skirt H&M, boots from the online shopping site Cocosa, finally the bag is from Thailand. When we parted ways I looked back and saw her do a little skip, it was exactly how I felt too.

Thursday 26 May 2011

Out and about....on reflection

From Fashionistable
Athena is a Londoner. She works for size? on Carnaby Street and was sitting enjoying the sun, with a friend who also works for size?, (who you see another day) when I cut in. Athena says her style influence is the 20's the 70's and possibly the 90's garage/grunge. Surprisingly she told me that she manages to read a book a week and that she makes her own clothes. I am loving how her shoes ping with the lining of her coat. She bought the coat on eBay and the shoes are Office. Otherwise her glasses are Primark, trousers are Philip Lim and inventively her top is actually a slip which she has just pulled up and converted its use - clever.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Out and about....blue bow

From Fashionistable
From Fashionistable
Yui is from Japan and is in the UK for a year on a Make Up course. Her course is in Canterbury and she pops up to London as often as she can. Her favourite place in London is the East End and would ideally love to come and live there. She says her style inspiration is her own unique personality, she is very curious and loves flowers and bows, she likes to be edgy and girlish. Originally she graduated in gymnastics in her home country and was a dancer and gymnastics teacher, but the the arts kept calling her. How she does feel that her past disciplines do connect with her chosen path now. Everything she is wearing today is from Japan. I want her socks - I meant I want a pair like these.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Out and about....Davies St

From Fashionistable
Kajsa and Charlie were shopping in South Molton Street when we met but there was no sun there anymore so they kindly came round the corner with me and into the evening light. I loved the pop of red that is Kajsa hair against her otherwise black palette. Charlie is in the shot too because of his curly hair and painterly shorts. Kajsa is from Sweden and Charlie is a Londoner. Kajsa told me she gets her style inspiration from her friends. For Charlie who is a fine art student at the Royal Academy it is Picasso. When I ask people about their surprising fact, they sometimes hum and ha so I try and help them out with examples of what others have said. With these guys one of my examples was the feminist issue we had a week or so ago. Kajsa said she finds it surprising and upsetting when women say they are not feminists. Charlie said that surprisingly he was a feminist. Way to go Charlie. When I asked him what inspires his art he said "the future". Kajsa is wearing a dress from Rodebjer, vest from Cheap Monday, Vagabond shoes and her glasses are from a mini market in Sweden. Charlies' top is by St James and was a present from a friend when he went to art school as it was like the top Picasso used to wear. His cut offs are Levis - the other half of which is now in a painting. His shoes are DM's and glasses Polaroid. Their favourite place's in London are Beauvoir Square in Hackney for Kajsa and Victoria Park for Charlie.

Monday 23 May 2011

Out and about....modern tribal

From Fashionistable
From Fashionistable
Surprisingly I have met quite a lot of stylists recently on my travels. I am thinking they are living up to their name and Nasrin is no exception in this story. She has great personal style and her work is wonderful too - you can see it here. I was very lucky to catch her as I had spotted her across the street but when I went to catch up with her she disappeared. Luckily I was still in the area (I had popped into a shop to buy a sandwich) when she came wondering back. She told me that her style influences are based on memories are emotional and eclectic. It is a mix of all sorts of things from the four corners of the earth. She is a Londoner and her favourite place in the city is Portobello Rd. She couldn't think of anything surprising to tell me about herself so I asked what the last movie she had watched was, she told me she had just rewatched The Notebook and loved it all over again. Her look today is made up of a headscarf from Kooples, dress from H&M, Topshop shoes, vintage bag, necklace from NYC and harness by Hannah Marshall.

Friday 20 May 2011

Out and about....red hood

From Fashionistable
From Fashionistable
Kimberly Denise was amazed how much attention she was getting in her red and white combo. I'm not. Are you? The colours just sing. Kimberly Denise is from Holland and is also a blogger. You can see more here.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Out and about....second crossing

From Fashionistable
This is the second time I had crossed the street because I saw Marian. You can see the 1st result here. I didnt realise it was her again until I was right over her. She had been rummaging in her bag and all I saw was the flurry of feathers. Her skirt is from Lucy in Disguise which is were she works. She made the head piece herself. She says her style is casual and that she doesn't really buy things, they just come to her. When I asked her to tell me something surprising about herself she said she is just one big surprise all over.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Out and about....Miss Christmas

From Fashionistable
From Fashionistable
I kid you not when I tell you Sania's name is Sania Clause nor that her boyfriend is Anik from last Thursday's post. Well done to those who had already spotted the Christmas theme. They make a striking couple. No wonder they had a lot of attention. Sania is also from Stockholm. I think she has a little bit of GaGa about her, do you agree? When I was shooting the close up of the shoes I was thinking of my friend David over at The Nyanzi Report, he had, had to go home and missed them so David these are for you mostly. Everyone else AMAZING aren't they, a work of art. They are by Finsk.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Out and about....Westbourne Grove

From Fashionistable
Malgosia is an artist, a painter. In fact that beautiful scarf around her neck is a print of one her own works. Originally from Poland she has been living in the UK for 12 years now. She told me she loves to travel and has traveled a lot to Japan, Europe and the US where she really likes Arizona. For style influence she looks to the elegant female, but not too much. She bought her coat in Poland, the bag is McQueen, shoes Margiela, she found the trousers and the top is from a market.

Monday 16 May 2011

Out and about....colour pop

From Fashionistable
I just love Mboko's use of colour. He is a Paris-based stylist and editor for online magazine Ghubar. In his own words he is "passionate about fashion, music and art, aspiring man of power in the fashion industry: stylist, creative director, designer, photographer, editor / journalist and more to be".

Saturday 14 May 2011

Out and about....here's lookin at you blue eyes

From Fashionistable
From Fashionistable
Alex has a truly modern vintage look. Although you cant see it here the sides of her hair is shaved and she is wearing her hair in big pined loops. And on her modern side her favourite shoes are her DM's. Here is my interview with her in full -

What are you wearing and were is it from?
The coat was a present, its vintage from 1930, scalloped top and peach trousers are Topshop and the loafers are vintage. Headscarf is vintage Hermes. Earrings were a present and are my favourite, they’re part of a vintage set with an adorable matching necklace.

What is your favourite thing about London?
The different fashions in different parts of London and how much they vary. I love that you can walk through east wearing one outfit and no one bats an eyelid but wear the same thing in a different part of town and everyone looks at you like you got dressed drunk.

Where’s your favourite place?
Favourite place in the world is Le Marche in Italy, its beautiful and ridiculously quiet, plus the food there is the best I’ve ever had. My favourite place in London at the moment is an amazing little hidden gem near Green Park, but I don’t want anyone else to know where it is. I want it all to myself.

Thursday 12 May 2011

Out and about....red and green restored post

From Fashionistable
Hi everyone - if you live in the world of blogspot you will know it has been all systems down today. Well they totally lost this post on me and my post scheduled for today too. At least everything is up and running again. We have to count our blessings.
So here is Anik again. As it has been a while since I brought you any guys I thought I should start again. Anik is a dancer from Stockholm. His red and green shirt just sung out in the evening light. I love his bow tie.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Out and about....near seven dials

From Fashionistable
I have another stylist for you today. Ayishat works through Individualism and was out styling for a shoot with girl band RD (Rough Diamond) when we met. She is a Londoner and her favourite place is the tube, she says it inspires her more than anything. Another wonderful colourful stylist Ayishat is wearing a jacket from Rokit, a Wrangler shirt, Miss Sixty jeans, Burlington socks and Vans shoes.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Out and about....near Miu Miu

From Fashionistable
As luck would have it just as I spotted Elisa she started to cross the street towards me. While I was photographing her I was thinking I am sure I know you, same when I was interviewing her. It was only when I got home did I fully realise why.... Elisa is from Verona but lives in Paris where she works as a styist. You can see her work here. She was in London for only a few days this time, she told me she likes to get lost when she is here. Her surprising story was that she does not know how to drive. When I asked her if she would she like to learn she said "oh but I have passed my test, it is just the way I drive it is better I stay off the roads". I love this colour pallette she is wearing, the peach shirt is vintage from her mum,  her yellow sweater was bought on a visit to St Michael, the royal blue trousers are Dries Van Noten, the purple scarf is Le Petities. Her shoes are Prairies de Paris. I love her coat too but sorry cant read my scribble - Maybe I should get myself a dictaphone for my interviews......what do you think?
PS. Thank you to an Anon comment I can bring you the designer of the trench, who is Lahsson. If you click the link you can see Elisa wearing it there too.

Monday 9 May 2011

Out and about....raspberry beret

From Fashionistable
From Fashionistable
Paris at the end of a long but good day I was sitting in a cafe with my husband enjoying the evening sun when Victoria walked passed. I excused myself and was up and away after her like a shot.It was her hat that got me moving. Imagine my surprise when it turned out that Victoria was English and the hat she was wearing was one of her own designs. Turns out that Victoria is an extremely creative milliner who has collaborated with other wonderful designers for their shows you can check out more of her work and collaborations here.

Friday 6 May 2011

Out and about....lemon Tuileries

From Fashionistable
I first met Imogen from Eight London last year. I didn't recognise her straight away. It was her amazing yellow skirt that drew me across the park to her this time. She told me she had just bought it earlier that day for 1 euro. She wears it well. Looking forward to our next meeting.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Out and about....

From Fashionistable
From Fashionistable
Li Hui is the Fashion Director of China's Harpers Baazar. I had stopped her in the middle of a very busy day. She was very kind and gave me quite a bit of her time. I love the juxtaposition of the colours and fabrics in her outfit for the shots.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Out and about....facing traffic

From Fashionistable
Maria is from Latvia and works in fashion retail for Net-A-Porter. She has only been in the UK 4 or 5 months so is new here. She says she has been surprised by the weather and the very nice people here. Her favourite place so far is Greenwich, which reminds me I haven't been there for a very long time. Must check it out again. She told me she tends to drink a lot of coffee and coke. Her headphones belong to her boyfriend, says they have a good sound, she was listening to SOAD when I stopped her.
Her shirt is H&M, trousers Burberry, shoes Hilfiger and she bought her bag in a street market.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Out and about....red, white and blue

From Fashionistable
In keeping with the colourful weekend we have just had here in the UK, I thought I would start my week in a colourful way too. Leeann is a stylist, she had her arms full of clothes when we met (we hung them up just out of shot). She was preping for a shoot for the 1st issue of a new magazine called Hunk (for women). Leeann told me she is a complete feminist. I think it is sad how in the past few years this word has been given negative press - the dictionary meaning reads "the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men". Now ladies what can be so bad in that? Leeann went on to tell me that she has even had coke cans thrown at her in the studio when she has stuck up for herself. I find that more shocking than the fact she is a feminist. There is a rise in the numbers of young women being physically abused by their partners, is this a result of the turn away from feminism and the weakening of the fairer sex? Ooops I didnt mean to get quite so deep into this. How do you feel about this subject? Her dress is a one off piece, the boots are a Japanese brand called KTZ and her scarf and rings are vintage.
P.S she also has a blog you can check it out here.