Tuesday 8 March 2011

Out and about....Paris Fashion Week Emmanuelle Alt

From Fashionistable
I am back, exhausted, but very happy. Am I glad to be back, hell yes was I sad to leave hell yes. Paris was beautiful, it was cold but the sun shone every day which was a blessing. When the big shows are on the entourage that descends is enormous. The trick is not to take it too seriously and just calmly get on with your own thing or join the scrum if the occasion requires and you want to (which is very rare for me). Yesterday I decided to take it a little easier and chose not to run to every show possible before I left, sometimes less is more and it sure was the case for me. Before Chloe was the Valentin Yudashkin show which was a short walk up the Champs Elysees from the main hub in the Tuileries. The setting was good and there was a nice crowd there. When most of the guests had gone in I turned away to wonder back to the Tuileries and there, strolling up the street towards me on her own was Emmanuelle - it was only her and I, no one else was around. She was on the phone but she stopped for me. So here is my gift from Paris to share with you. Much more to follow.

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